
Showing posts with the label Why today is important in Indian history

Why Gandhi sets up the Natal Indian Congress??

August 22, 1894: Gandhi sets up the Natal Indian Congress Today, in 1894, the Natal Indian Congress was established in South Africa to raise voice against discrimination against the people of India. Mahatma Gandhi was made the secretary of this organization and Haji Adam Jhaveri as the president. In the early years, NIC introduced several petitions for changes in discriminatory legislation. The organization became defunct in the 1960s due to increasing repression and restrictions by its leaders. Mahatma Gandhi, the father of our country, has drawn many fronts against the British in his life and he has been arrested many times, You all know that Mohandas Karma Chand Gandhi (Bapu) started the caravan to raise his voice against the British from South Africa itself. Gandhi came to South Africa in 1893 and raised his voice against the color discrimination policy here. In 1984, he founded the Natal Indian Congress (NIC). Due to this effort, Gandhi soon became his leader who raised the voice

इस दिन ध्वनि के साथ दुनिया का पहला रंगीन कार्टून!//World's 1st coloured cartoon with sound premiered on this day!

मिकी माउस के सह-निर्माता उब इवर्क्स, जिन्होंने पहले वॉल्ट डिज़नी में काम किया था, ने अपनी पहली एनिमेटेड लघु फिल्म 16 अगस्त, 1930 को शुरू की। क्या आप अपने आप को सहस्राब्दियों में गिनते हैं जो मिक्की माउस की बात होने पर उदासीन हो जाते हैं? यदि हाँ, तो आप यह जान रहे होंगे कि वॉल्ट डिज़नी निर्माण प्रतिष्ठित बन गया है - न केवल अपने दोस्तों के बीच बल्कि दुनिया भर में। फिर, कुछ साल बाद फिडलस्टिक्स आया, जो मिकी माउस के एक सह-निर्माता थे - उब इवर्क्स - जिन्होंने पहले वॉल्ट डिज़नी के साथ काम किया था। Iwerks ने अपनी पहली एनिमेटेड लघु फिल्म 16 अगस्त 1930 को चरित्र फ्लिप द फ्रॉग के साथ शुरू की। Fiddlesticks ने फ्लिप को मेंढक को लोकप्रिय बना दिया F फ्लिप द फ्रॉग - फिडलस्टिक्स ’छह मिनट की एक लघु फिल्म है जिसका कार्टून 38 Iwerks के कार्टून में तीन साल तक चित्रित किया गया था। हालाँकि, उन्होंने अपने मूषक की प्रशंसा का आनंद नहीं लिया। बाद में, जब 1930 में Iwerks ने यह फिल्म बनाई, तो फ्लिप द फ्रॉग ने एनीमेशन के इतिहास में एक महत्वपूर्ण क्षण चिह्नित किया। अधिक जानकारी के बारे में पता है: 1930 में सिंक्रोना

Death anniversary of Bhikaji Cama: The woman who hoisted the flag of India for the first time in foreign lands

  Bhikaji Cama: The woman who hoisted the flag of India for the first time in foreign lands The great woman who first hoisted the flag of India on foreign soil was Left us today, August 13th. Every moment of her life, her thoughts, her adventures still remind every man in our society that girls can,girl can everything,Which a boy can or a boy can't. Four decades before India's independence, a woman hoisted the flag of India for the first time abroad in 1907. Bhikaji Cama, a 46-year-old Parsi woman, hoisted this flag at the second 'International Socialist Congress' held in Stuttgart, Germany. It was one of the many informal flags created during the freedom struggle, unlike India's flag today. Rohtak MD, who wrote a book on Madame Cama BD Yadav, retired professor of the university, says, "All the people who took part in that congress were hoisted the flag of the countries and the British flag for India, denying that Bhikaji Cama made a flag of India and hoisted t

National Youth Day

National Youth Day National Youth Day (Swami Vivekananda Birthday) Every year on 12th January, National Youth Day (Youth Day or Swami Vivekananda Birthday) is celebrated in India with full enthusiasm and happiness. It is celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, the creator of modern India. It was first declared by the Government of India in the year 1984 to celebrate Swami Vivekananda's birthday as National Youth Day. Since then (1985), it has been celebrated all over the country as National Youth Day. Why is it celebrated? Swami Vivekananda was a great social reformer, philosopher and thinker. Its special purpose is to spread the publicity of his philosophy and ideas and to make people aware of the ideals he worked and followed in his life. He was an inspiration to all the youth across the country. History of National Youth Day It is well known that on 12 January, the birthday of Swami Vivekananda was declared by the Indian government to celebrate Nati

the youngest freedom fighter of India

  The death Anniversary of Khudiram Basu, the heroic son of Mother India On 11 August 1908, the youngest revolutionary of India's independence struggle was hanged. He just laughed when he heard the announcement of the death sentence. Standing on the gallows, wearing a black mask, he smiled for the last time. After his execution, the British newspaper Empire published, "That frozen corpse." But, the smile on his face is that smile. 'This is how the revolutionary Khudiram Basu gave his life for the country. This firefighter is the youngest martyr of India's freedom struggle. He lost his parents in childhood. Khudiram became involved in revolutionary activities when he was only 12 years old. Hemchandra surprised Kanungo more than a revolver when he was in school. At the age of 16, he picked up a hand grenade for the first time in his fight against the British. He was also caught by the police more than once. Lord Curzon proposed the partition of Bengal in December 19