
Showing posts with the label Akshay urja diwas

20th August Indian Akshay Urja Day

  Indian Akshay Urja Day Like other countries, Indian Akshay Urja Day is celebrated on 20th August every year in our country. It is celebrated on different dates in different countries. Renewable Energy Day special There should be benefits and the temperature of the earth should also be normal and as far as possible the emission of green house gases should also be reduced. If seen, this is a very serious matter because one thing is almost certain that the speed with which our traditional energy sources are being used from all sides will eliminate our traditional energy sources in the coming time and what will we do then. Keeping such a state in mind, the search for non-conventional energy has become very essential. Energy derived from solar energy, wind energy, hydropower, tidal ebb etc. are the main examples of such energy. Therefore development and use of renewable energy or renewable energy sources is necessary. Akshay urja diwas A very important awareness campaign about the dev