what special day is it today

today is special day for what


Louis Daniel Armstrong was born on August 4, 1901, in New Orleans to a small family.He was a famous American musician.He was both a composer and a vocalist and sometimes in front of people he was caught as an actor.The music of his creations from the 1920s to the 1960s is still ingrained in people. His era has been marked as the golden age of American music.Some people call him Sakmo, some people call him Match and some people call him Pops.Some of his most famous songs are What a Wonderful World ,Hello Dooley and more which are still thorny.In 2017 she was inducted into the Rhythms and Blues Hall of Fame.


Barack Obama, one of the most successful presidents of the United States, was born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii, to his mother Anna Dunham and father Barack Obama Sr.He was the first president to be born in the United States. He became a Member of the lllionois Senate  in 1997, then a United States Senator from 2005 to 2008.On January 20, 2009, he defeated the opposition by a huge margin on behalf of the Domestic Party and was elected the 44th President of the United States, one of the most developed countries in the world.

3. USA Coast Guard Day 

This year, as every year, the US Coast Guard Day is celebrated on the 4th of August. The US Coast Guard is one of the most powerful Coast Guards in the world. They observe this day to commemorate their various achievements and heroism and the sacrifices of the soldiers. However, they also take part in Armed Forces Day and Armed Forces Week.


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