10 facts about hiroshima bombing


10 facts about hiroshima bombing

During the Second World War, the US dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan on August 6, 1945 at eight-eight. The name of this bomb was Little Boy. 80 to 90 thousand people were killed in this attack. 30 percent of the city's people died instantly. At the same time, thousands of people were losing their lives after years due to nuclear radiation. After this attack, the second atomic bomb was thrown on Nagasaki city on 9 August.

Know some important facts related to Hiroshima nuclear attack:

1. Due to this bomb, heat up to about 4,000 degree Celsius was generated at the ground level.

2. The bomb could not be dropped at the designated location of Hiroshima, it was about to fall near Hiyoashima's Iyo Bridge but due to the wind blowing in the opposite direction, it dropped from its target and fell on the Sheema Surgical Clinic.

3. The flower named Kaner (Oleander) was the first to bloom after this attack. It is the official flower of Hiroshima.

4. US Air Force jawans dropped the form to warn people before the attack.

5. The atomic bomb was dropped from an American B-29 bomber named Enola Gay.

6. The atomic bomb was about 4000 kg.

7. Some policemen had saved their lives by hiding in a special way after showing atomic glare in the nuclear attack. This process is called 'Duck and Cover'. These policemen went to Nagasaki and informed about this method of rescue. Due to which many people saved their lives in the Nagasaki nuclear attack.

10 facts about hiroshima bombing

8. The Little Boy was produced under the Manhattan Project in Los Alamos.

9. 90 percent of the city's doctors were killed due to the atomic bomb. Due to this, treatment of those injured was not possible as soon as possible.

10. Hiroshima's Industry Promotional Building was built after the attack as Peace Memorial.

11. The blast produced 3900 degree Celsius heat and a thunderstorm at a speed of 1005 kmph.

12. This bomb contained 6.4 kg of plutonium.

13. If Japan does not surrender on August 14, then America planned to drop atomic bomb on another city on August 19.


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